Benefits of Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the most refreshing drinks around. The benefits of lemon juice and not only related to the skin and hair, but works very positively for many other health related conditions. Why should you have lemon juice regularly? What are the various benefits of lemon juice? All this is exactly what I will be telling you here.

First of all, lemon juice works wonders for the skin in many ways. Regular drinking of lemon juice cleans and detoxifies the body. This in turn helps the skin remain fresh and glowing. It works as an anti-aging formula, besides fighting acne. Even application of a little lemon on cuts and bruises heals the wound well, besides fighting bleeding. In short, the benefits of lemon juice for the skin are numerous.

The benefits of lemon juice for the hair are also known worldwide. Application of lemon juice on the hair makes it just shinier and smoother. It works as a great conditioner. Lemon juice makes the roots of the hair stronger and fight irritating dandruff. It simply makes the hair stronger and fights hair loss. Last but not the least, you can even use it as a hair lightening agent and for bleaching purposes.

A lemon juice diet works wonders for weight loss. Yes this is very true. If you have lemon juice it fights acidity. The best way to start your day is to have a few spoons of lemon juice mixed with a little honey and warm water. This kick-starts your metabolism in a big way, something that is very important to maintain and even lose weight.

The various lemon juice benefits do not end there. Lemon juice is known to boost the strength of the immune system in a big way. This helps fights many diseases and infections easily, and also keeps many others at bay. Lemon juice also aids digestion and gives relief from constipation. It also brings down cholesterol levels, which in turn is good for the heart. If you are suffering from a sore throat or cough, gargle with lemon juice and warm water, which will give good relief. This juice is also known to be very beneficial for all respiratory related problems, arthritis, dental problems, malaria and cholera.

And the biggest advantage is that we all can make use of all these benefits of lemon juice so easily, because it is just so easy to make or acquire. Unlike other medications and recipes, lemon juice can be made in a matter of minutes, and benefit us in so many way, right! Try having lemon juice twice a day from today itself, and see in what all ways it positively changes your life. Just a point of caution though. For those of you suffering from any ailment, please talk to your doctor and confirm before you start the intake or application of anything new ever.

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