Excel Slicer in SharePoint 2013 Web Part Page

Found this cool little trick on a Technet forum post.

1. In Excel, select the worksheet area you want to display (for me , this was the cells containing/around two PivotCharts and two slicers)

2. In the Ribbon, select the Page Layout tab

3. Click on Print Area – Set Print Area

4. In the Ribbon, select the Formulas tab

5. Beside the Name Manager (which as JJ says is where you can check the defined names within the workbook, to prevent conflicts) , click Define Name

6. Type in a name (like “PrintArea”) – you will see your selected cell range in this dialog

7. Click OK and re-upload the excel spreadsheet to SharePoint overwriting the existing version.

8. In the SharePoint 2013 Web Part properties, under Workbook Display > Named Item enter the name “PrintArea” without quotes.

Alternatively, in the Named Item box, type the name of a named item in the workbook (such as a defined name, the name of a chart, table, PivotTable, or PivotChart) that you want displayed in the web part.

Derek Halstead is a SharePoint consultant as well as the founder and principal of CertifiedSolutionsAustralia.com and CoolWriteups.com. He has 16 years of experience in the IT industry, with over ten years focused on Microsoft SharePoint. He can be reached by using the Contact Me link in the top menu.
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