Application Specific Permission Settings Do Not Grant Local Activation – MOSS 2007

MOSS 2007 ErrorAfter upgrading your MOSS 2007 environment with the latest service pack you are likely to see this error pop up under Event Viewer > System.

The full error message is likely to look something like this:

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {61738644-F196-11D0-9953-00C04FD919C1}
to the user Domain\SPService SID (S-1-5-21-4271965062-2695094486-146864038-2112).  This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.


  • Copy the CLSID, in this case, 61738644-F196-11D0-9953-00C04FD919C1;
  • Go to Start > Run > Regedit and ensure that Computer is selected right at the top;
  • Go To Edit > Find and paste the CLSID and hit Find Next;
  • In the right pane, make a note of the title under the Data column for (Default). In this instance it was “IIS WAMREG admin Service”;
  • Then go to Start > Administrative Tools > Component Services and expand the Component Services tree node;
  • Then expand Component Services > My Computer > DCOM Config and search for IIS WAMREG admin Service;
  • Right click it and go to Properties. Hit the Security tab and in the first box – Launch and Activation Permissions – ensure that the Customize radio button is selected and click the Edit button. Add the service account that is needed, in my case it was the SPService account.

Any questions please just ask by leaving a comment below.

Derek Halstead is a SharePoint consultant as well as the founder and principal of and He has 16 years of experience in the IT industry, with over ten years focused on Microsoft SharePoint. He can be reached by using the Contact Me link in the top menu.
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