SharePoint 2010 Starting, Stopping and Removing a Service or Service Application

Are you having trouble starting, stopping and removing a Service or Service Application? Well take a look at some of the nifty commands below that may help.

To find out what Service Applications are present on the SharePoint 2010 Farm, in a Powershell window (Run as Administrator), enter the following:

1. ‘Get-Help Get-‘ – This will return all the commands that start with a ‘Get-‘;
2. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance is the one you want to use if you’re having trouble with Search. This will list the service instance on each server in the Farm and whether it has the Search service provisioned or not;
3. Stop-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance –ID will stop the service, use this in conjunction with Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance.
4. Get-SPServiceInstance will list all the Services running on a Server;
5. Get-SPDatabase will display a list of SharePoint Databases;
6. Start-SPServiceInstance -ID will start a Service. Refer to this link for more:;
7. Remove-SPServiceApplication -Id -RemoveData will remove a Service Application along with it’s data. Refer to this link for more:;
8. Use -Local for services running on the Server you are logged in to.

That’s it. Enjoy

Derek Halstead

Derek Halstead is a SharePoint consultant as well as the founder and principal of and He has 16 years of experience in the IT industry, with over ten years focused on Microsoft SharePoint. He can be reached by using the Contact Me link in the top menu.
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